zsdonghao.github.io - Hao Dong - Peking University

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▻ New blog post on our work on Evolved Policy Gradients . ▻ I am co-organizing a tutorial on GANs at CVPR 2018 .

I recently co-organised the 2nd Workshop on Visual Understanding for Interaction at CVPR 2017. Talk slides coming soon!

title,value,callBack可以缺省 --> 深度强化学习:基础、研究与应用 董豪、丁子涵、仉尚航 等著(简体中文译本 Simplified Chinese) 电子工业出版社 2021 ISBN 978-7-121-41188-5 新一代AI霸主 - 深度強化學習 董豪、丁子涵、仉尚航 等著(繁體中文譯本 Traditional Chinese) 深智數位 2022 ISBN 978-986-0776-82-9 [ Homepage(及免费中文在线) ] [ Springer ] [ Broadview ] [ 繁体版本 ] [ 京东 ] 机器学习系统:设计与实现(Machine Learning System: Design and Implementation) Luo Mai, Hao Dong Eds. 清华大学出版社 Tsinghua University Press 2022 ISBN Coming Soon . [ 免费中文在线 ] [ OpenMLsys Organisation ]

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