zhang-lab.org - Zhang Lab – Translating omics data into biological insights…

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Welcome to Dr. Bing Zhang’s Lab at the Baylor College of Medicine . We develop and use integrative bioinformatics approaches to extract biological meanings from experimental data and generate hypotheses for experimental validation. Please explore our website to learn more about our people and our research.

[2023-05] Faye successfully defended her PhD thesis, congratulations, Dr. Jiang! She will be joining AstraZeneca as a Senior Computational Biologist next month. Best wishes for a bright future!

[2023-04] Faye, James, Jonathan, Sara and Dr. Zhang attended the AACR Conference in Orlando, FL. James received a 2023 AACR-Sanofi Scholar-in-Training Award for his work on “Bridging the gap between clinical-omics and machine learning to improve cancer treatment”, and Jonathan received the same award for the work on “Pan-cancer proteogenomics expands the landscape of therapeutic targets”. Congratulations! Both works were also selected for oral presentations. Faye did a poster presentation on CoPheeMap, and

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