- Zero8

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Ever since Zero8 was founded in 2007, we have always had a love for singing barbershop—mostly thanks to our founder and life long friend, Doug Harrington who arguably is the single most responsible person to expose Swedish youth to this amazing artform. But barbershop is only one colour in the always growing palette of genres we want to sing, through the years we've sung everything from barbershop, rock, pop, classic Swedish men's (and women's) choir, renaissance to Bach. We have simply decided that there i

But if there is one thing we cherish more than everything it's the laughters and the joy of singing we get to share together, whether it's on a regular Thursday rehearsal, on the stage on the Internationals in Las Vegas in front of thousands of screaming barbershoppers or in a 500 year old church in Moscow made to fit 100 people. All it’s about is moving people through music.

Mes Très Chers Frères is our first completely classical album and was appointed the 2018 winner of the Contemporary A Cappella Award (CARA)  for best classical/traditional album. In short, the CARAs can be described as the a cappella equivalent of the Grammy. This has reinforced our belief that we are moving in a good direction and we are very happy and grateful for this award. A huge honor indeed!

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