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Description: Assistant Professor in Computer Science at University of Maryland. Interested in visualization, data analysis and human cognition.

zhicheng liu (1) liu zhicheng (1) leo liu (1) 刘志成 (1) research on human-data interaction (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Despite advances in automated algorithms and systems, human judgment remains indispensable in data analysis. Communication and storytelling also increasingly rely on carefully curated and analyzed data. The variety and volume of real-world datasets and the diversity of application scenarios, however, present many challenges for research on interactive data technologies.

Interactive visualizations are useful tools for data analysis and communication. Recently two major trends have brought opportunities and challenges in visualization research. First, data are increasing in size and complexity across problem domains. In addition to improving the efficiency of data management and processing, the design of scalable interactive systems must also take into account the limits of human cognition and the nature of user tasks. Second, more diverse users need to work with data as an

I am an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at University of Maryland, College Park . I direct the Human-Data Interaction Research Group , whose mission is to support interactive data analysis and visual data communication through human-centered techniques and systems.

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