- | Zach Shephard

Example domain paragraphs

I suppose I should open with my standard apology for taking so long to update this site. But really, at this point, my silence is the norm; it’s not exactly worth commenting on. (Also, if I’m being honest, I’m just not in the mood to apologize right now. And for that, I’m sorry.)

With that out of the way, let’s get to some updates. I’ve actually been writing more over the past few months, because I appear to have found my muse. In a bowl of noodles.

(Is it a metaphor? Are we talking about an actual noodle? Has this guy finally lost it and decided he’s some sort of Spaghetti Whisperer? These are all valid questions. Unfortunately, I won’t be answering them. You’ll just have to live with this macaroni mystery and accept that you’ll never fully know why I started writing again. But my recent bout of motivation is definitely noodular in origin.)