- Yunqing Zhao

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Yunqing Zhao I am a year-4 PhD student at Information Systems Technology and Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) . I am advised by Prof. Ngai-Man Cheung . My research interests lie in computer vision specifically generative models, knowledge transfer, few-shot learning and parameter-efficient training (and fine-tuning). During my PhD, I am fortunate to have experience working with Chao Du and Tianyu Pang and being advised by Prof. Shuicheng Yan and Min Lin during my internship at Se

A recipe for watermarking (multi-modal) diffusion models Yunqing Zhao , Tianyu Pang † , Chao Du † , Xiao Yang , Ngai-Man Cheung † Min Lin We conduct comprehensive analyses and derive a recipe for efficiently watermarking state-of-theart DMs (e.g., Stable Diffusion ), via training from scratch or finetuning. Our recipe is straightforward but involves empirically ablated implementation details, providing a solid foundation for future research on watermarking DMs.

Evaluating adversarial robustness of large vision-language models (VLMs) Yunqing Zhao * , Tianyu Pang * † , Chao Du † , Xiao Yang , Chongxuan Li , Ngai-Man Cheung † , Min Lin Large VLMs such as GPT-4 achieve unprecedented performance in response generation, esp. with visual inputs, enabling more creative and adaptable interaction than LLMs like ChatGPT . However, multimodal generation exacerbates safety concerns, since adversaries may successfully evade the entire system by subtly manipulating the most vuln

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