- CCY - Children and Youth Conference 2022

Description: Welcome to the 4th World Conference on Children and Youth 2022 (CCY 2022) which will take place from 07th – 08th July 2022 in the Virtual Platform.

Example domain paragraphs

“The Pandemic, Climate Change and Adaptation to a World in Transition: Challenges for Children and Youth”

Welcome to the 4 th World Conference on Children and Youth 2022 (CCY 2022) which will take place from 07 th – 08 th July 2022 in the Virtual Platform. We hope CCY 2022 unites diverse researches and case studies from all over the world, in parallel sessions while offering many networking and publishing opportunities. Discover the latest trends and challenges in the field at the Conference and enjoy everything a Virtual Conference has to offer.

CCY 2022 is designed with the purpose of serving the educational and social policy environment for Child Development and Youth Empowerment. The Conference connects researchers, academicians, activists, practitioners and policymakers around the world to a single platform to interact with each other and share knowledge for the betterment of Children and Youth.