- Your Wonderful Life | living life to it's fullest

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Scientists have known mercury to be highly poisonous for at least a century and a half.  This knowledge has not stopped its use in filling cavities, however.  Knowing the danger is half the battle, so it is important to fully understand the problems with mercury and the harm it can do when it gets into your bloodstream.  Let’s talk a bit about the effects of mercury on your system so you can have a well informed discussion with your (hopefully mercury safe) dentist .

To being, mercury is highly toxic to people and mercury poisoning can cause very serious consequences, can even be fatal in some circumstances.  Besides death, mercury poisoning causes loss of senses, including hearing and taste, peripheral neuropathy, skin discoloration and peeling, swelling, dizziness, confusion, and erratic behavior.  Mercury is considered toxic by the FDA, yet millions of people walk around with significant amounts of mercury in their mouths, completely unaware.  Studies have shown that

You should be able to trust that your dentist will not do anything to place your health at risk.  If your dentist wants to place mercury filling in your mouth, and so-called silver amalgam fillings are made primarily of mercury, this is a huge red flag that they are ignoring important safety warnings.  Many years ago, mercury was the most durable and easily placed materials available for fillings, but today there are many alternatives that are at least as durable and easy to place.  There really is no good