- Trike Patrol ® OFFICIAL SITE - The World's Best Filipina Porn Site

Description: TRIKE PATROL features hardcore Filipina porn from the Philippines in exclusive ASIAN PORN scenes. Filipina Teens, MILFs included. Watch Now!

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If you come across any other site featuring Filipina porn, chances are it’s our Trike Patrol video clips being featured or it’s a dried up old site that hardly made it past “go” and never updates with anything fresh anymore. After 14 years online, Trikepatrol is the authority on everything Pinay porn related and it clearly shows. With 400+ updates, and counting, we update often with brand new sexually free Asian girls filmed right in the heart of the Philippines and even the odd American-Pinay! Just to mix

You can learn more about Trike Patrol here but the idea premise was simple: We were already fucking like rockstars in the deep reaches of the Philippines on a regular basis. Why not put our Filipina creampie videos online and make a little bit of hotel money? Then… it became an instant hit with Asian porn connoisseurs everywhere! This Pinay porn collection is real, it’s raw and it’s chock full of never-before-seen tight pussy damsels! All caught up in the headlights of tall handsome lads with cocks as thick

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