- Estate Planning for Young Families | Young Family Estate Planning in New York - Ettinger Law Firm

Description: For your free elder law estate planning consultation, please call 800-500-2525 X100 - 13 NY locations. Estate Planning for Young Parents in New York - New York Wills & Trusts Lawyer

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Home Practice Areas New York Elder Law Attorneys Estate Planning for Young Parents in New York Estate Planning for Young Parents in New York Parents of young children often overlook the need to plan for death or disability. Many believe they don't have enough assets yet or that anything they have will automatically go to their spouse. However, every young parent needs basic documents – a Will, Power of Attorney and Health Care Proxy – what we term a “Young Family Estate Plan” (YFEP), that formalize your wis

Young family estate planning ensures that should anything happen to you, your family will continue to thrive and reach their full potential. Here's why we recommend estate planning for young families.

A YFEP includes life and disability insurance reviews and recommendations, to help put in place the financial resources that your family may need to go forward confidently into the future.