ynohttps.com - Why No HTTPS? The World's Largest Websites Not Redirecting Insecure Requests to HTTPS

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HTTPS is now free, easy and increasingly ubiquitous. It's also now required if you don't want Google Chrome flagging the site as "Not secure" . Yet still, many of the world's largest websites continue to serve content over unencrypted connections, putting users at risk even when no sensitive data is involved .

Following is a list of the world's top 100 websites by Tranco rank not automatically redirecting insecure requests to secure ones. You'll then find the top 50 sites by country underneath that. The data is driven by Scott Helme's nightly crawl and is explained in detail in the launch blog post for this project .

Each of the following websites loads over an insecure connection without redirecting to a secure, encrypted connection. The 100 websites below represent 6 % of the world's largest 1,803 websites.