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During the last year or so, Facebook is censoring its users. For example, before the US presidential elections, they blocked a respected newspaper New York Post for publishing the info about the Hunter Biden investigation. Now that the elections are over, his father is a president, you can write about Hunter again

Another example: Facebook was blocking posts suggesting that COVID-19 might have been leaked from the Wuhan lab. Now, when Dr Fauci is being fried for trying to conceal certain information about the gain of function experiments, Facebook allows you to write posts about the possible lab leak. By the way, have you seen any apologies from Mr. Zuckerberg for blocking lots of users for this? Me neither.

Earlier this year, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook’s mission is “ Bringing the world together “.  In the same video, he states that Facebook wants to change the “social fabric of the world”. How? I guess, according to the vision of Mr. Zuckerberg. 

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