ximenavf.com - Ximena Vila Ferral – Designer & Developer

Description: Ximena Vila Ferral's personal site. Mexican born, Texas based designer and developer playing with design and code. Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I write about the web, learning, career, community, life and more.

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Ximena (He-Men-Ah) here, a Mexican born, Texas based designer and developer. Currently a Designer at Astro . Always learning and trying new things. This is my little digital corner where I talk and post about all things web, design, code, sketchnotes, career, community, life, games, books, and more.

It's easy to assume the people we look up to know everything, we forget we all have our own experiences and knowledge gaps.

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. This is my little digital corner where I talk and post about all things web, design, code, sketchnotes, work, life, games, books, and more.

Links to ximenavf.com (2)