xiaoqian-liu.github.io - About me - Xiaoqian Liu

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Postdoc at UT MD Anderson

I am a postdoctoral fellow at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, working with Prof. Wenyi Wang . I received my PhD degree in Statistics from North Carolina State University in 2022, advised by Prof. Eric C. Chi (now at Rice). I am broadly interested in numerical optimization, machine learning, high-dimensional statistics, and their applications in cancer genomics.

During my PhD studies, I was very pleased to work with Prof. Kenneth L. Lange , Prof. Boaz Nadler , Prof. Aaron J. Molstad and Prof. Amanda Randles on a diverse set of projects. From Summer 2021 to Summer 2022, I had a wonderful internship at Argonne National Laboratory , working on a research project on derivative-free optimization under the supervision of Dr. Stefan M. Wild (now at Berkeley Lab).