wtmsources.com - World Transformation Movement Sources

Description: All sources used by Jeremy Griffith and The World Transformation Movement are preserved here on this quote source website.

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The World Transformation Movement is a registered not-for-profit organisation, with the aims of understanding and ameliorating the human condition, the human condition being humans’ seemingly contradictory capacity for both ‘good’ and ‘evil’. In particular the World Transformation Movement recognises the breakthrough biological treatise on the human condition put forward by Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith , who maintains that understanding the cause of our angry, egocentric and alienated behaviour—name

Jeremy’s work is multi-disciplinary, drawing from the physical sciences, biology, anthropology and primatology as well as philosophy, psychology and psychiatry. Since 1988, Jeremy has authored more than six publications on the human condition, including the 2003 Australasian bestseller A Species In Denial and 2016’s FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition .

Jeremy Griffith in his library with Franklin Mukakanga, founder of the Zambia WTM Centre

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