- WealthStrategies Financial Advisors

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Available to each and every client is a comprehensive financial plan covering all aspects of a client’s financial life including retirement planning, investment planning, insurance & risk management, college savings planning, budgeting and debt management, cash flow planning, and more. Each plan is tailored to the specific needs of each and every client.

Unlike many conventional advisors who receive commissions and other kickbacks from investments they recommend, we charge our clients a competitive fee based on the assets that we manage. This minimizes the typical conflicts of interest inherit in the industry and aligns our interests with those of our clients.

We have chosen to adopt a fiduciary standard for our clients. Similar to what doctors and lawyers must do, we are committed to placing our client’s interest ahead of ours in everything we do for them. Not all wealth managers have chosen to adopt this fiduciary standard and we believe it is the only ethical way to delivery financial services to our clients.