wpinternals.net - WP Internals – Windows Phone Internals

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The latest version is available in the Download section of this website. The source code is available on Github .

Unfortunately the official website is no longer live but I found this info from a old post that is no longer out there.

" Today I have 2 new releases. I worked together with @gus33000 on a new version of WPinternals. Congrats on your birthday, Gus! Version 2.7 supports all the latest versions of Windows Mobile 10. And it also has some important fixes. For example, the Iris-scanner of the Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL will still work after unlocking the bootloader. This was a problem in earlier versions of the unlock. Gus worked on a method using less files from the donor FFU, keeping the phone in a more orignal state. This also