- WORLDSOILS Project Webiste

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WORLDSOILS is an application project  funded by the  European Space Agency (ESA)   developed within the  EO Science for Society  slice of the 5th Earth Observation Envelope Programme ( EOEP-5 ) .

WORLDSOILS aims to develop a pre-operational Soil Monitoring System  to provide yearly estimations of  Soil Organic Carbon (SOC)  at global scale, exploiting space-based EO data leveraging large soil data archives and modelling techniques to improve the spatial resolution and accuracy of SOC maps.

The project engaging and bringing together authoritative end users with a mandate on reporting on soils, the proximal soil mapping community, the digital soil mapping community and EO experts for developing in close cooperation soil indices relevant for monitoring the global top soils as baseline information for downstream research, institutional and commercial applications and services (e.g. reporting, soil management systems, agricultural applications, …).

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