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In today’s world, getting employment is not easy. Most people have to push themselves a little more to land the jobs they desire. This page explores the topic of unemployment and what you can do if to earn real money is your goal and you want to find the perfect job. It delves into different topics around getting skills and how to get out of the unemployment muddle.

While there are some companies that rank high when it comes to diversity and inclusion of women in their organisation, the global statistics are not so promising when it comes to absorbing women at work. The situation is even more complex where mothers are involved. A woman who has gone for a maternity leave might find it challenging finding a job that will absorb her. Here, they will get tips on the best practices of getting a second career. It includes what they need to do so that they can effectively com

Getting laid off can be very stressful especially if you do not have a strong support system to help you navigate through the hard times. Most people never get the courage to rise from being rendered redundant. Some people simply give up and never seek any type of job thereafter. In this site, you will get all the tips you need to dust yourself off and start looking for another job if you have been laid off. It gives skills that people who have been laid off need to embrace, including how to rewrite their r