wishesfordrew.org - Wishes for DREW

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We received the unexpected news on February 14, 2019 that our then seven-year-old son Drew, was suffering from a rare and 100% fatal genetic muscle wasting condition. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (“DMD”), a condition primarily effecting boys, is a result of a defect in the dystrophyn gene which is responsible for creating and maintaining every muscle in the body. Without proper dystrophyn production, boys with DMD face reduced mobility, severely shortened life expectancy, and typically succumb to cardiac or

Our tightly knit family of four was crushed by this devastating news. The future we saw for Drew and our family was taken away but we don’t let it stop us from enjoying the time we have together and making the best of each day we're given. We want for Drew what every parent wishes, for a healthy and happy child where the future is limitless. Drew is a loving, kind, and funny little boy who has big dreams and lots of wishes for his future. Drew always made his wishes upon dandelions and saw them only as wish

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