wirelessinseattle.info - Wireless In Seattle

Description: The Seattle area has a vibrant Wireless industry with the rise of McCaw Cellular, then AT&T Wireless, then Cingular, now just AT&T-who-also-does-wireless, Western Wireless / Alltel, VoiceStream Wireless / T-Mobile, VC Ignition, and most recently, Clearwire. The Seattle area also has a few manufacturers of wireless systems and is a hotbed of Wi-Fi HotSpots.

internet (23932) mobile (13096) wireless (3392) access (1992) broadband (1165) steve (472) fixed (200) stroh (91) bwa (46) bwia (6)

Example domain paragraphs

In 1996, I was fascinated to discover that providing Internet Access via license-exempt wireless technologies was not only possible, but being done routinely by a small band of pioneering Internet Service Providers. By mid-1997, I was writing professionally about Broadband Wireless Internet Access (BWIA) as a monthly columnist in Boardwatch Magazine. In 2000, I began writing about BWIA full time in my own blogs, for numerous other publications, and my own subscription newsletter. From 2008 - 2015, I took a

Posted by Steve Stroh on Monday, February 18, 2008 at 10:48 in Content from Seattle WIG | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

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