- Win and help win

Description: *As a guiding philosophy, “win and help win” will always outcompete “live and let live”.

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// A Guiding Philosophy Win and help win What it means A concept defined by Balaji S. Srinivasan , on episode #506 of The Tim Ferriss Show :

Win and help win is neither progressive, nor conservative, nor libertarian. And let me explain why. First, conservative, your typical conservative, and maybe it's a caricature, maybe some of your listeners won't like this, but they just kind of want to stay at home, they want to do their 9 to 5. They're not as ambitious, they don't want to leave the small town. They don't want to go bright lights, big city, that's not dispositionally small-c conservative. Your progressive often has a very zero-sum mentality

As a guiding philosophy, “win and help win” will always outcompete “live and let live”.