willisadair.com - Willis Adair – Listening, Leading, & Serving

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Husband, dad,  wearer of colorful socks, tell er of dad jokes, outdoor enthusiast, insurance agent  With Symmetry  and the Adair Agency .   Listener, storyteller,  and blessed beyond words. WHAT I DO I spend time with the love of my life Olivia and our four kids. We’ve been together nearly 20 years. She is a homeschooling mom to our four kids, my business partner, and a former child-therapist. We work together as insurance agency owners after I left 20 years in bi-vocational ministry. 

I encourage the right people to discover the career that they were meant to excel in, build passive income, and most importantly help families with life insurance.  Our agency specializes in debt free life, health/disability insurance, children’s smart starts, mortgage protection, and retirement solutions including annuities. 

I learn constantly. I’m a veracious reader. My other vocational training is in Christian ministry where I have a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies. I spent nearly two decades working as a pastor to families and kids. A few of the other vocational things I have done include working in a non-profit, running an IT company, billing a few million in state sponsored insurance, and helping families from a wide variety of backgrounds.

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