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If you’ve been feeling sick and don’t know why it’s possible that radon is to blame. Radon is a radioactive gas that can cause cancer and other health problems. It often seeps into homes through the foundation and can be very dangerous. In this blog post, we will discuss the significant causes of radon in your home. We will also provide tips on how to test for radon and how to fix any leaks that may occur. If you need help with Radon mitigation Cincinnati , you can check this site for affordable professiona

One of the most common causes of radon in your home is improper soil cover. Radon gas typically seeps up from the ground and into your home through cracks or other openings in the foundation. If you do not have a good layer of gravel and plastic beneath your foundation, it can create pathways for radon to enter. Check your soil cover every few years and add more if it is too thin.

Radon can also seep into your home through cracks or openings in the basement or crawl space. It’s essential to ensure these areas are properly sealed and caulked so that no radon can enter. Additionally, adding a vapor barrier to the crawl space floor can help prevent radon from entering through the foundation.