williamdicks.com - William Dicks - Christian, sofa-Theologian, Blogger

Example domain paragraphs

First of all, I am a Christian , believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I have completed a BA degree in Bible/Theology and love to study theology . I am a Reformed-Charismatic (rather, a non-cessationist) holding to a New Covenant Theology point of view.

I have also completed a Diploma in Datametrics (2 year BSc type diploma) and have been a software developer since 1991, of which I have developed software in C++ for 16 years and C# full time since 2010. I am married to one wife (since 1990) and have two children. To read my resume, and perhaps leave your contact information to provide me with a job opportunity, go here .

Apart from my daily life, I also blog. I write on various topics, but mostly on theology/doctrine , politics , and sometimes I cerebrate about things in my life! I also have some other studies available to read!

Links to williamdicks.com (4)