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WildlifeDirect, a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of Africa's wildlife, is pleased to announce the roll out of its new Nature Positive Kids Outreach Program which is an extension of the National Geographic’s Team Sayari educational entertainment Program. Team Sayari, a collaboration between the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), The Walt Disney Company Africa and Wildlife Direct, saw a 20-part television series being aired across Africa on

We're thrilled to be back and to bring you the latest updates from our film, conservation, education and outreach programs. This year, we have an exciting line-up of new initiatives that we're confident will transform and catalyze the wildlife film making industry in Africa and leave a lasting impact on wildlife conservation. Stay tuned for our upcoming wildlife films and much more, as we continue to work towards preserving the beauty of our planet for future generations.

Following the recent announcement of title of the series, The Walt Disney Company Africa, together with its project partners, National Geographic, the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and WildlifeDirect have today revealed that the highly anticipated National Geographic Kids programme, Team Sayari, will air each Saturday on National Geographic Wild (DStv 182, Starsat 221) at 13:00 (CAT) from 24 September 2022.

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