wildearthvoices.org - Wild Earth Voices – The VR Blogger

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The VR Blogger

Technology has improved through jumps and bounds lately and video games aren’t far from it as computer images, social networking, and virtual reality have converged into one media that anyone can connected – video games. At this time, the PlayStation 3 and the XBOX 360 have become the standard of greatest gaming experience. Unlike the XBOX 360, the PS3 has enabled users to get free access for their on-line market for free demo games and a few downloadable content. Social networking is even incorporated in t

If you think about the options that come with a virtual reality headset, what does one seek out? Field of view, lightweight design and high resolution are on top of the majority of users conditions. The virtual reality headset (commonly abbreviated HMD for Head Mounted Display) fits, clearly, on the head, much like shades or a visor. It’ll have either one little screen lens to cover one eye, or two to cover both eyes. The lenses will show in 3D the components of the virtual reality environment. In this head