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SPIRAL is a societal progress approach co-constructed by the territories of co-responsibility, now grouped together within the TOGETHER International Network, under the initial impetus of the Council of Europe. Find more about Spiral

Faced with the urgency of developing a co-responsibility of all actors (governments, citizens, the world of economy and media) for the well-being of all, the only effective way to face the environmental, social and peace challenges facing humanity in this century, a Manifesto and Appeal for Co-responsibility was proposed by the Council of the Alliances to the Secretary General of the United Nations on March 20, 2022, on the occasion of the World Day of Happiness, The Manifesto and Appeal proposes general pr

Humanity is at a critical moment in its history. Through its activities, which have become excessive, it is exposing the planet to extremely serious risks (global warming, soil, water and atmospheric pollution, destruction of natural ecosystems and biodiversity, ocean acidification, invasion of plastics in the sea bed, etc.). More than anything else, it is incapable of instilling the changes necessary to put an end to these catastrophic trends. The conclusions of the COP 26 once again confirm that the commi