whois-mariettelindstein.com - Mariette Lindstein, A Biography

Description: Mariette Lindstein, A Fog of Lies

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Here is the unvarnished truth about Mariette Lindstein from the people who know her best. These are the firsthand experiences of those who lived with and worked alongside her for nearly 25 years.

Lindstein writes sexually explicit gothic thrillers. To sell books, she makes the preposterous claim that her books were “inspired” by her former association with the Church of Scientology. In truth, her only reason for talking about a Church that she has not been part of since 2004 is obvious: She is doing it for publicity. Mariette Lindstein is a nobody, while Scientology is known worldwide, drawing interest from every part of the world.

So who is the real Mariette Lindstein? She was a volunteer staff member at the Church of Scientology. In January 2004, she was dismissed from her position for incompetence and immoral activities, but was graciously offered a second chance to remain with the Church if she reformed. She refused and was expelled.