whenyourchildisgay.com - Straight Parent, LGBT+ Kid - Wesley Cullen Davidson

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Did you know that: 82% of LGBTQ + students experienced 1st hand harassment or bullying in their school. 71% of students reported that their classrooms did NOT include any LGBTQ+topics. More than 30% of LGBTQ + students reported missing school because they felt unsafe or uncomfortable. Over half of all LGBTQ+ students of color experienced…

In my last blog, I wrote about Jeanne Manford, a gay rights activist, straight mother and school teacher in New York.  It’s important that you educate your LGBT children so they know that the advancement of gay rights in this country was paved by those who battled for those rights.  During this Women’s History Month,…

March is Women’s History Month.  Gay children should know who paved the way for them when homosexuality wasn’t accepted in the 1970’s.  One hero worth talking about was a school teacher named Jeanne Sobelson Manford (December 4-1920-January 8, 2013).   A graduate of Queens College in 1964, Jeanne taught at PS 32 until 1990.  However, it…