westbradley.org - West Bradley Citizens' Association

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WHO ARE WE? The West Bradley Citizens’ Association (WBCA) is an unincorporated non-profit, non-partisan civic organization established in the late 1950’s. It represents most of the 600 families in the Bethesda, Maryland community bounded by the Beltway (east), River Road (south), Bradley Blvd. (north) and Cabin John Regional Park (west).

WHAT DO WE DO? Our main goal is to preserve the residential character of our community. WBCA has taken the lead in saving our local elementary school and stopping commercial development and road expansion. We provide residents with prompt communication, especially in case of emergency. To access our email listserv, contact [email protected] . To view website, go to http://www.westbradley.org . To subscribe to our  discussion listserv for tips on local services and othe