wesleyferreira.com - Home | Wesley Ferreira - Clarinetist

Description: With a charismatic blend of technical flair, polish, and grace, clarinetist Wesley Ferreira draws in audiences with his unabashed joy and passion for storytelling through music. U

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As a recital clarinetist, his performances continually engage, prompting the Artistic Director of one recent concert series to remark that Ferreira “showcased a potent synthesis of serious musicianship, technical ferocity, and bravery of programming that was effectively tempered by a dynamic flair for showmanship. With this performance, Ferreira proved not only is he an artist of some consequence, but also a consummate showman capable of presenting even the most challenging works with the ease and fluency o

Wesley leads an active and diverse career performing worldwide as soloist, orchestral and chamber musician, and as an engaging adjudicator, and clinician. Recent performances have taken him to Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Ecuador, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, and Spain. Additionally, he has been broadcast nationally on RTP television in Portugal and on radio with the CBC in Canada and ABC in Australia. Currently based in the United States, he is part of the renowne

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