weinberg.lu - Sur les routes ou sous les mers - Le monde de Steven Weinberg

Description: My former homepage (image to the left), which had become familiar to many , has disappeared... From May 2007 to March 2016, it had been visited 963,781 tim

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My former homepage (image to the left) , which had become familiar to many , has disappeared… From May 2007 to March 2016, it had been visited 963,781 times. Almost a million visits in less than 9 years, about 9,200 per month, a daily 300, one visit every five minutes, 24h a day, during nine years! This new site, more up-to-date, with many functionalities, contains a shortened version of all the previous blogs, and many new ones are about to come. Alas, I cannot find the energy and the time anymore to keep

In order to start your visit, please use the menu bar at the top of this page, then follow the guide… Bon voyage!

Cet te page qui vous était familière, celle de mon ancien site, devenue obsolète, a disparu… Entre mai 2007 et février 2016, il a été visité 963.781 fois. Près d’un million de visiteurs en moins de 9 ans, environ 9.200 par mois, 300 par jour, 12 par heure, une visite toutes les 5 minutes, 24h/24h, pendant neuf ans ! Ce nouveau site répond cependant mieux aux critères informatiques actuels. Je n’ai pas pu remettre en ligne la totalité de l’ancien site. Vous trouverez ici des résumés (assez copieux quand même