websocketpp.org - WebSocket++ | Zaphoyd Studios

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Zaphoyd Studios Projects WebSocket++ WebSocket++ is a cross platform open source (BSD license) header only C++ library that implements RFC6455 (The WebSocket Protocol) and RFC7692 (Compression Extensions for WebSocket). It allows integrating WebSocket client and server functionality into C++ programs. In its most common configuration full featured network I/O is provided by the Asio Networking Library .

WebSocket++'s goal is to provide a flexible set of tools for building a wide variety of WebSocket based applications wrapped by low or zero overhead abstractions. It is not opinionated. If something can be practically replacable (with low overhead) based on the user's preference then it is. It accomplishes this via a policy based design built using C++ template metaprogramming. Bundled config packages provide sane defaults so most users can get started quickly. As they understand their solution better and w

This design allows the library to flexibly integrate both into a program that already provides its own network handling and just needs something to decode a WebSocket byte sequence and into a program that wants all the network bits and bobs done for it and just wants to respond to some messages. A simple command line tool can read & interpret a Wireshark transcript and need no dependencies and a full featured network program can pull in Asio, OpenSSL, and zlib to support compressed, encryption connections.

Links to websocketpp.org (2)