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Description: Scipio is used for the retrieval of the genome sequence corresponding to a protein query. The tool does not require any annotation data, and is able to correctly identify the gene even if this is spread on several genome contigs and contains mismatches and frameshifts. Because of its post-processing capabilities, Scipio is not only able to correctly identify the gene in the genome corresponding to the protein query but also to correctly identify the homologous genes in the genomes of closely related organis

göttingen (621) gene (174) taxonomy (114) genome (89) max-planck-institute (17) gene prediction (5) scipio (4) manual sequence annotation (2) webscipio (1) splice site (1)

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It is very time-consuming to always provide the latest genome assemblies. Thus, if you want Scipio/WebScipio to be continuously updated and its functionality extended in the future please properly cite the respective parts of the software!

If you use Scipio (command-line version), please cite: O. Keller, F. Odronitz, M. Stanke, M. Kollmar & S. Waack (2008) Scipio: Using protein sequences to determine the precise exon/intron structures of genes and their orthologs in closely related species. BMC Bioinformatics 9 , 278.

If you use WebScipio, please cite: K. Hatje, O. Keller, B. Hammesfahr, H. Pillmann S. Waack & M. Kollmar (2011) Cross-species protein sequence and gene structure prediction with fine-tuned Webscipio 2.0 and Scipio. BMC Research Notes 4 , 265.

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