webcivics.org - WebCivics

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Semantic Internet provides users identity. Using your identity you can 'link' resources between identities, so you can share on terms you define. Semantic Internet uses languages that machines and people can understand. Using these languages we can learn more about the world, and those who contribute to it. Semantic Internet helps us to evolve. We can respect others and contribute to the world around us in anyway we find available to us. Semantic Internet is an Evolution of Internet.

It is a long established fact that a reader of information infer meaning of what is presented to them, without necessarily having the available knowledge to understand its context. Semantic Internet links meaning to data, so that we may all discuss, develop and contribute to the meaning of things presented in language. From distributed sources where meaning is lost in technical capacities for intepretations, the Semantic Web will provide meaning through Links. We call these systems ontologies, and with Onto

Our systems for 'linked data' mean each individual must be respected, with their contributions, their knowledge and intepretations of existing knowledge in a way they can make known to others. We do this by acknowledging identity.