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If you’ve recently experienced a severe hail storm, worrying about roof damage might be the last thing on your mind. You may already be dealing with other consequences like potential water seepage and insulation issues. But it’s important to take the time to evaluate whether or not your roof has sustained any hail damage – even if it looks okay from the ground below. If the damage is serious, the only option left will be getting the re roof in Adelaide .

But with proper detection and evaluation, you can help extend the life of your roof and prevent any costly repairs down the line. This blog post will explore some tell-tale signs of hail-damaged roofs so you know what to look for when inspecting your rooftop.

The most common sign of hail damage on a roof is cracked or missing shingles. If you notice any bald patches or small lines that weren’t there before, this could be an indication that the shingles were damaged from the hail storm. It’s also likely that these cracks and missing pieces might have exposed your roof to further water damage and moisture buildup. Often, your roofer will be able to replace the missing shingles with new ones.

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