walkerspint.net - Walker's Pint – "Be Nice or Leave" – 818 S. 2nd St. Milwaukee, WI 53204

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"Be Nice or Leave" – 818 S. 2nd St. Milwaukee, WI 53204

Elizabeth A. “Bet-z” Boenning has owned Walker’s Pint since July 2001. Around that time there were numerous other Lesbian bars in the city, including Dish [1998-2000], Fannie’s [1982-2000], Kathy’s Nut Hut [1980-2014] and Mona’s/Out ‘n About [1998-2012]. Today the neighborhood tavern in Walker’s Point, where “Every Night is Ladies Night,” is the last one remaining. This echoes a national trend in which gay bars — particularly Lesbian ones — have closed at a time when public acceptance of gays has grown. — c

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