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“Drawing from a wide range of disciplines Bruteau presents a unifying vision of a world that must move from…domination to one of equality and sharing… Presents [jesus’] two teaching events of Holy Thursday — Footwashing and Holy Communion — as entry gates into a new way of living and loving in a world of domination, power, and separation.” Posted in Resources | Leave a comment Posted on October 20, 2022 by Wade Lee Hudson How to Strangle Democracy While Pretending to Engage in It , Carlos Lozada

…But the German-born Hirschman — who in addition to being an academic economist was a U.S. Army veteran, an antifascist resister, an adviser on the Marshall Plan and a consultant to the Colombian government — was too intellectually honest, or simply had seen too much of the world, to stop with the right. The left displays its own unity of certitude, he suggested in the penultimate chapter of “The Rhetoric of Reaction,” and its habit of rationalization is “richer in maneuvers, largely of exaggeration and obf

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