wacassociation.org - Association for Writing Across the Curriculum – Bridging Writing Across the Curriculum communities

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The Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC) promotes writing instruction and education across all contexts for teachers, teacher-scholars, writing center directors, writing program leaders, administrators, and graduate and undergraduate students. Our goal is to impact productively writing and writing instruction in meaningful, inclusive, and actionable ways.

Bio : Brad Jacobson is Assistant Professor of English at The University of Texas at El Paso, where he teaches courses in writing studies and English education. His research focuses on student experiences writing across the high school to college transition and writing teacher education, and his work has appeared in Writing Program Administration, Currents in Teaching and Learning, and the Journal of Writing Assessment. In addition to his membership in AWAC, Brad is affiliated with CCC, NCTE, NWP, and the Co

Statement : As a scholar and teacher, I am committed to facilitating reciprocal research, teaching, and learning opportunities across K-16 and community contexts. I believe AWAC is uniquely positioned to contribute to such collaborations. As Chair of the Partnerships committee, I would work with the committee to solidify our developing partnership with NWP while seeking new partnerships with like-minded organizations. I look forward to creating and sustaining opportunities like sponsored panels and collabor

Links to wacassociation.org (3)