- Introduction - Vulkan Tutorial

Description: A tutorial that teaches you everything it takes to render 3D graphics with the Vulkan API. It covers everything from Windows/Linux setup to rendering and debugging.

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Tutorial structure

This tutorial will teach you the basics of using the Vulkan graphics and compute API. Vulkan is a new API by the Khronos group (known for OpenGL) that provides a much better abstraction of modern graphics cards. This new interface allows you to better describe what your application intends to do, which can lead to better performance and less surprising driver behavior compared to existing APIs like OpenGL and Direct3D . The ideas behind Vulkan are similar to those of Direct3D 12 and Metal , but Vulkan has t

However, the price you pay for these benefits is that you have to work with a significantly more verbose API. Every detail related to the graphics API needs to be set up from scratch by your application, including initial frame buffer creation and memory management for objects like buffers and texture images. The graphics driver will do a lot less hand holding, which means that you will have to do more work in your application to ensure correct behavior.

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