vsasf.org - Veterans Speakers Alliance: Veterans For Peace | San Francisco, Chapter 69

Description: San Francisco, Chapter 69

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The Waging Peace In Vietnam a traveling exhibit & its companion Waging Peace In Vietnam book shows how the GI movement unfolded, from the numerous anti-war coffeehouses that sprung up outside military bases, and the hundreds of GI newspapers that gave an independent voice to active soldiers, to the stockade revolts & strikes & near-mutinies on naval vessels & in the air force.

Pocast: Mike Wong —“ All of a sudden, this all became very real ” “When I was in medic training, the My Lai Massacre hit the front pages. … All of us, including me, were devastated by it. We were utterly horrified by it. It left no doubt what we should believe about the war. Then with my lawyer, I went and turned myself in to the Presidio stockade, and refused orders to Vietnam” Read More… Continue reading →

Today we recognize a war that has never ended — the American War against Viet Nam. For ten years — 1965 to 1975 — the US military sprayed 20 million gallons of Agent Orange over Viet Nam. Today 50 years later the fourth generation of children are still being born in Viet Nam with severe birth defects due to this gene-warping chemical defoliant called Agent Orange. Today unexploded munitions, including Cluster Bombs are still maiming and killing in Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia. Now Washington is sending Clust