voiceofwebcasters.org - Voice Of Webcasters

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Welcome to VOW , the Voice Of Webcasters web site - a site created to help give webcasters a central place to come together on issues related to our industry. We are not a trade organization. We simply created this site as a neutral place to share information and ideas to promote and defend the interests of the webcasting industry.

BREAKING NEWS! Call or fax your Congressional House Representative and tell them to support HR 5469 NOW!

Representative James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) introduced a bill late Wednesday, Sept. 27, that will put a 6 month stay on the CARP sound performance copyright rate - in essence giving webcasters and Congress time to sort through the issues and come up with a better solution than the current exorbitant rate that threatens Internet Radio. HR 5469 will be voted on Tuesday, October 1 but in order to make sure it passes, we need all of you to CALL your House reps before next Tuesday. ( Click here for more informatio