- Lucky

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The plant is located in the Western Ukraine , near the Carpathian Mountains, where there is practically no industrial production. This region is famous for its centuries-old pine forests with healing air, crystal clear mountain rivers and numerous springs of mineral water. Also Ukraine has always been famous for its wheat fields and wheat is the main raw material for production of Lux Spirit (A1 alcohol). Nature itself created all the conditions for the production of high quality vodka LUCKY 50.

Ukraine is famous for its fertile black-earth and fields where rich crops of first-grade wheat grow. Vodka LUCKY 50 is produced of 100% of Lux Spirit (A1 grain alcohol), which undergoes fivefold rectification. This pure ethyl alcohol has its name for a reason. There are practically no fusel oils and aldehydes that cause a hangover; ethyl has a balanced flavor and is used exclusively for the production of premium types of vodka.

The second major component in the production of vodka is water. For the production of LUCKY 50 vodka there is used specially prepared softened water from artesian wells. It is not being boiled and distilled because such a tratment disrupts the crystal lattice and “kills” the water. Water for the production of LUCKY 50 vodka passes through four levels of cleaning and special water treatment, during which the hardness salts and trace elements are removed from it. Water remains “alive” and delicious! On the st