vmstan.com - Virtually Benevolent

Example domain paragraphs

After decommissioning the vmst.io WriteFreely instance last week, I moved my blog back to Ghost. But then this weekend I remembered what an absolute shit experience writing or editing on a mobile device is with Ghost. A few people mentioned that they just don’t blog from mobile, but I like to be able to do all my work from as many devices as possible (I push vmst.io updates from my phone just because I can.)

There are still no native Ghost apps, first or third party, and the web interface is terrible on a small screen. Autocomplete doesn’t work, which means capitalization, punctuation and spelling is especially awful even for me.

I have been listening to the Core Intuition podcast a lot recently, and decided to give Micro.blog and MarsEdit (on Mac) a try. Combined with the recently refreshed Micro.blog iOS app, I think it’s what I need. But what really sold me was the nearly flawless migration from Ghost using the json export file. After finding a nice theme, I flipped the DNS CNAME over.