- Viv's Visuals

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If you're always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be................

Onto our next challenge at Try It On Tuesday ! (As promised here is the second post from me today - If you are here from the Card Chain Challenge April Reveal link post please just scroll down to the previous post!) This time at TIOT we want you to 'Use A Stencil' - that's it - plain and simple use a stencil in anyway you want!

I did a simple technique called 'Double Stenciling' for this card. My background stencil was inked with Antique Linen. To my shame this Sweet Poppy (along with a couple of others)bought some time ago has never been used. 😞 I don't know why cos I really like it! Leaving my background stencil in place, I put the poppy field stencil on top and blended the flower heads Abandoned Coral, Spiced Marmalade and Fossilized Amber. I then removed the background stencil and put the poppy one on top lining it back up, th