- Vitanov Productions Homepage

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Vitanov Productions is a young production company founded by Milen Vitanov. We focus on creating exciting high quality animation films. The field of our animation techniques covers traditional drawn animation, 3D and all mixtures inbetween. We believe in the strong narratives with fine characterisation and visual finesse.

_ Our work

BANGO VASSIL Animation Short, 9:00 min, to be relesed in 2017 Directed by Milen Vitanov and Vera Trajanova Writen by Vera Trajanova and Milen Vitanov BANGO VASSIL On the afternoon of January 14th a girl claims, that it is the New Year’s eve! Is it true? This is the story of one unexpected and different New Year’s Eve, the journey of two kids on the shoulder of a giant and the beginning of a beautiful friendship.