- visophyte: shiny? shiny. | Andrew Sutherland writes things but (almost) always includes pictures to look at.

Example domain paragraphs

Note/Disclaimer from the future of this post: I am no longer working on searchfox.

Searchfox ( source , config source ) is Mozilla’s primary code searching tool for Firefox introduced by Bill McCloskey in 2016 which built upon prior work on DXR . This roadmap post is the second of two posts attempting to lay out where my personal efforts to enhance searchfox are headed and the decision making framework that guides them. The first post was a more abstract product vision document and can be found here .

Searchfox has a new “query” endpoint introduced in bug 1762817 which is intended to enable more powerful queries. Queries are parsed using :kats ‘ query-parser crate which allows us to support our existing (secret) key:value syntax in a more rigorous way (and with automatic parse correction for the inevitable typos). In order to have a sane execution model, these key/value pairs are mapped through an extensible configuration file into a pipeline / graph execution model whose clap -based commands form the ba