- Virtual Southport – Financial news and budgeting advice.

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Financial news and budgeting advice.

It is important that you check your credit report at least once per year to make sure there aren’t any mistakes. If you do notice an item on your report that shouldn’t be there, it is important that you contest it right away. There are a few different ways to go about doing this, and it’s crucial that you know about them. By contesting these items that shouldn’t be in your report, you can potentially bump up your score. This article will teach you how to dispute errors on your credit report as effectively a

The fact is that sometimes creditors make mistakes, and the errors on your credit report are most likely not intentionally malicious. It is nevertheless important for you to take action without delay. These errors can have a hugely negative impact on your credit rating. Whether the error is the result of a simple mistake or something else, you need to do something about it.