Example domain paragraphs

An animated short film by Charlotte Waltert & Alvaro Schoeck Based on motifs by Meinrad Inglin Directed by Charlotte Waltert und Alvaro Schoeck Script: Alvaro Schoeck Animation: Charlotte Waltert Music: Bo Wiget Sounddesign: Johanna Wienert Paint on Glass / Mixed Technique | 11 min. 49 sec. Format 16:9 (DCP 1.85:1) | original Language: Swiss German © VIRAGE FILM | in Coproduction with SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen | SRG SSR

Distribution: Square Eyes | [email protected] World Sales: interfilm Berlin | [email protected]

Animafest Zagreb | 05 - 10 June 2023 | Zagreb Croatia | Grand Competition Short Film

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